2023 Robert Abrams 2023 Robert Abrams

“The most powerful thing about the work that Robert has done for me via energetic healing is that I am no longer suffering with asthma symptoms that tend to flare up whenever we have high pollution days or I’m otherwise environmentally triggered. I also have more energy. I've seen an increase in focus and my overall vital life force seems to be enhanced. Seriously. I used to drink two cups of coffee per day and now I'm down to ZERO and I have more energy than I did whenever I was caffeine dependent.”

— Lauren C.

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2023 Robert Abrams 2023 Robert Abrams

“It would be difficult if not nearly impossible to imagine where I would be in this life without having Robert there to assist me. There are not enough beautiful descriptive words that I can use to describe the healing, knowledge, intuitive insight and clarity that I have received from Robert over the years. His gifts are beyond impressive. I have utilized nearly all of his gifts and knowledge to bring love, light and happiness to myself and those closest to me. I have so much gratitude for my sessions with him.”

— Dawna M.

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2023 Robert Abrams 2023 Robert Abrams

“Through energy healing work he has helped me to not only relieve physical pain but also release emotional blocks and be more calm, less of an over thinker, and more easily able to process through my emotions when they arise instead of feeling controlled by then. Highly recommend him to anyone looking to make serious change in their life!!”

— Lauren M.

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2023 Robert Abrams 2023 Robert Abrams

I POP right on the call and straight away he goes in with impressions and immediate connections. I think I'm a healthy skeptic, Robert picked up on a few things, the night before I was writing in my journal and he was able to connect to the exact content of what I've been processing over the past few months. I'm aware readings may not make sense until later, but the evidentiary insights were meaningful and immediate. things I'm currently processing in my shadow work + therapy were touched on. I definitely will be visiting again. Robert's style is straightforward and insightful. I called my mom after to get some details from some things he mentioned and she verified things he knew that I didn't, Robert is very talented.


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2023 Robert Abrams 2023 Robert Abrams

“The most powerful thing about the work that Robert has done for me via energetic healing is that I am no longer suffering with asthma symptoms that tend to flare up whenever we have high pollution days or I’m otherwise environmentally triggered. I also have more energy. I've seen an increase in focus and my overall vital life force seems to be enhanced. Seriously. I used to drink two cups of coffee per day and now I'm down to ZERO and I have more energy than I did whenever I was caffeine dependent.”

— Lauren C.

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